The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (Windows) (2025)

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

Developer: AWE Games
Publisher: THQ
Platforms: Windows
Released internationally: October 27,2004

This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused sounds.
This game has unused text.
This game has a hidden level select.

This game has a prerelease article

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie is the fourth of AWE Games' many SpongeBob PC games. It is completely different than its console counterpart, being a point and click adventure rather than a 3D platformer.


  • 1 Sub-Page
  • 2 Chapter Select
  • 3 Unused Graphics
    • 3.1 Patrick's Underpants
  • 4 Unused Dialog
    • 4.1 Generic
      • 4.1.1 Frosted Coral
    • 4.2 Home Lane
      • 4.2.1 Mr. Tibbs
  • 5 GameGenSB.xls
  • 6 Unused Audio


Prerelease Info

Chapter Select

Press F12 and type in "AWEGAMES". Then click on the ship. A chapter selection screen will appear.

Unused Graphics

Patrick's Underpants

  • Model

  • In-game

Patrick's model has Goofy Goober underpants, but it's always hidden under his shorts. They can be seen if you delete the model of Patrick's pants.

Unused Dialog


Frosted Coral

Among Mindy's lines for combining inventory items:

Excellent! I deserve some frosted coral.

Home Lane

Mr. Tibbs

A conversation between SpongeBob and Mr. Tibbs (the parrotfish) that takes place in Conch Street. It does not have any associated voice lines, and the script is completely missing stage directions, suggesting this is a very early test conversation.

Notably, the game refers to the Mr. Tibbs seen at the Hot Springs as mrtibbs internally, but he is referred to as tibbs in this script.

SpongeBobHello there.
TibbsHello there.
SpongeBobHi again!
TibbsHi again!
SpongeBobHey, you're a parrotfish, arent you?
TibbsHey, you're a parrotfish, arent you?
SpongeBobSo you can only repeat what I say, huh?
TibbsSo you can only repeat what I say, huh?
SpongeBobNice day, isn't it?
TibbsNice day, isn't it?
SpongeBobGoing for a walk, are ya?
TibbsGoing for a walk, are ya?
SpongeBobI'm a dodo.
TibbsYou're a dodo.
SpongeBobHey! You're supposed to repeat what I say!
Tibbs(breaking character) Well, you know, I only take the bit so far. I mean, yes, the purity of the art, and breaking character is a sin, but honestly.
Do you realize how many people say the same thing to me? I'm thinking of giving a prize to the first person who doesn’t say 'I'm a dodo' or 'I like to eat silt' or something along those lines.
SpongeBobPolly wanna cracker?
TibbsYes, yes, very witty. Give yourself a pat on the back - preferably while you are walking away.


This Excel worksheet, located in "THQ\Nick Games\SpongeBob SquarePants\The Movie\Dialogue", contains the stage directions and listing of every line in the game. The author is listed as Scott Nixon. They also contain some earlier bits of dialogue, including the aforementioned "frosted coral" line.

(Source: TCRF)

Unused Audio


As its name implies, it's some sort of audio file for sound testing.

v · t · e

The SpongeBob SquarePants series

Game Boy (Color)Legend of the Lost Spatula
WindowsOperation Krabby PattyEmployee of the Month (Demo)• Battle for Bikini BottomThe SpongeBob SquarePants MovieLights, Camera, Pants!Nighty Nightmare
Collapse!TypingKrabby Quest3D Obstacle Odyssey (Prototype)• Obstacle Odyssey 2Bubble RushAtlantis SquarePantis SquareOffTruth or Square
Battle for Bikini Bottom RehydratedThe Cosmic Shake
PlayStationSuperSponge (Prototypes)
Game Boy AdvanceSuperSponge (Prototypes)• Revenge of the Flying Dutchman (Prototype)• Battle for Bikini Bottom
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (Prototype)• Lights, Camera, Pants! (Prototypes)• Creature from the Krusty KrabAtlantis SquarePantis (Prototype)
GameCubeRevenge of the Flying DutchmanBattle for Bikini BottomThe SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
Lights, Camera, Pants!Creature from the Krusty Krab
PlayStation 2Revenge of the Flying Dutchman (Prototype)• Battle for Bikini Bottom (Demo)• The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
Lights, Camera, Pants!Creature from the Krusty KrabAtlantis SquarePantis
XboxBattle for Bikini BottomThe SpongeBob SquarePants MovieLights, Camera, Pants!
Nintendo DSThe Yellow AvengerCreature from the Krusty Krab (Prototype)• Atlantis SquarePantisDrawn to Life: SpongeBob SquarePants EditionTruth or Square
Boating Bash (Prototype)• Plankton's Robotic Revenge
Nintendo 3DSPlankton's Robotic RevengeSpongeBob HeroPantsSpongeBob SquigglePants
PlayStation PortableThe Yellow AvengerTruth or Square
WiiCreature from the Krusty KrabAtlantis SquarePantisTruth or SquareBoating BashSpongeBob SquigglePantsPlankton's Robotic Revenge
Xbox 360Underpants Slam!Truth or SquarePlankton's Robotic RevengeSpongeBob HeroPants
PlayStation 3, Wii UPlankton's Robotic Revenge
PlayStation VitaSpongeBob HeroPants
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo SwitchBattle for Bikini Bottom RehydratedThe Cosmic Shake
V.SmileA Day in the Life of a Sponge
Google StadiaBattle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series XThe Cosmic Shake
iOSSpongeBob KartSpongeBob Moves In!Sponge on the Run
Plug & PlaySpongeBob SquarePantsThe Fry Cook Games
Web Games
Adobe Flash2002: Bikini Bottom or BustBumper SubsSqueaky Boot Blurbs

2003: Pizza Toss
2004: SpongeSeekBubble Bustin' Game
2005: Trail of the SnailWhere's Gary?Bubble Trouble Cereal GameSpongeBob Square Off
2006: SpongeBob SnowPants!Patty Panic!Anchovy AssaultShip O' Ghouls
2007: Dutchman's DashBoo or BOOMPlankton's Krusty Bottom Weekly!Delivery DilemmaPlankton's Fun House
2008: SpongeBob and Patrick: Dirty Bubble BustersAtlantis SquarePantis Bus RushWhoBob WhatPants?Invasion of the Lava KingPest of the West Showdown!Gone Fishing
2009: Love HurtsDancin' TentaclesKitchen EncounterTighty Whitey TumbleChum is FumBags Away!Fiery Tracks of Fury
2010: Boat-o-CrossDoodlePantsClash of TritonLegends of Bikini Bottom

2011: A Log Way From Home
HTML52011: Squidward's Sizzlin' Scare

2013: Fiery Tracks of Fury
2014: Bikini Bottom Brawlers
2015: Plankton's Patty PlunderBelly Bounce
2017: Krabby Patty Crisis

2019: SpongeBob Saves the Day!
Adobe ShockwaveJellyfishin'Bubblegram GameFlip or FlopCrater CrossingSpongeBob SquarePants Saves the Krusty Krab3-D Pinball PanicThe SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 3D Game
See Also
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (Windows) (2025)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.